Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Things Are Changing?

After discussing with Ladan over the weekend my new infatuation with D.C. since being there two weeks ago, combined with our agreement that Arizona is just most definitely not where we want to live, we agreed to check out jobs in the city and see what it would take to move back there - you know, just out of curiousity. I had one company in mind in Rosslyn, where I know a few people that I see whenever I attend a periodic meeting there, in fact the same meeting that brought me out there two weeks ago.

As luck would have it, I did a quick Monster job search and the first position to pop up was with this company, doing almost exactly the work I do now. Combined with the fact that I'm sure I'd get a recommendation from the people I know who work there, I'm all but completely certain that I could interview for and have this job within a few weeks, if I so choose.

Woah! So, like, just like that, I've already got a way out to D.C.? Ladan would most likely stay in Arizona until around February - gotta work off some of that relocation cash - but it looks like she's found a few positions she feels she could get with consulting companies, also in D.C.

But there's nothing in particular holding me back; concievably, I could move out to D.C. and start this new job by December 1. The speed with which this possibility popped up is almost jarring. I typed an e-mail to the guy I know at the company today, but decided not to send it at the last minute. Somehow I feel like I need to step back and analyze this a bit more before I commit myself to jumping in. As early as tomorrow, though, I could send it off.

Hmmm .... lots to consider here. I had no idea it might be this easy. :)


Blogger GregP said...

Really? Fate said that?

Hmm, well, that certainly adds some momentum to the decision.

I'm about 90% certain I'm gonna do this; the last remaining piece I'm trying to fit together is what my longer-term plan will be - school, etc.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to send the guy the e-mail on Monday though. If they wanna bring me in for an interview, it may even work out that I get a free ride out to DC just in time for K's birthday party!

10:35 AM  
Blogger GregP said...

By the way, I couldn't resist pointing this out - "Really? Fate said that?" was an extremely oblique Simpsons reference, one that gave me a chuckle but would almost certainly be meaningless to anyone else.

There's an episode where Tom Jones is performing, and Nelson tells him to follow him (from a hotel?). Tom objects, saying something about his manager not telling him about this, and Nelson then tells him "Your manager says for you to SHUT UP." To which Tom responds, "Really? Vera said that? Hmph" and goes with Nelson.

God bless the Simpsons.

11:57 AM  
Blogger RichardC said...

Actually I believe it's Robert Goulet, not Tom Jones.

6:32 PM  
Blogger B said...

Rich, you are correct, it is Bob Goulet.

I'm not sure I really understand the school issue. I thought that was off the table? If not, what type of schooling are you considering? I'm sure you can find something of quality on the east coast.

11:05 AM  
Blogger GregP said...

First I'd like to comment that I love how Rich pops in to correct the Simpsons reference, but makes no mention whatsover of the topic of my original post. Get the gasface, Rich!

Anyway, B in terms of school I'm thinking specifically about studying artificial intelligence right now. That will most lead down a primarily computer science path academically. Lots of schools teach AI, and even have AI focuses within CS, but no schools in DC (like, actually within the city) have anything even remotely approaching an AI problem. Closest would be UM, but the trek out to College Park would be pretty inconvenient if I lived in DC itself.

Contrasting with that is the easy access (geographically) to both Stanford and Berkeley here in the Bay area, both excellent schools for AI.

So that, in a nutshell, is what I'm debating.

1:40 PM  
Blogger GregP said...

Ugh, damn no-comment-editing on Blogspot ... I meant no schools in DC have an AI "program", not "problem".

1:42 PM  

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